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  • My Infant Daughter has Atopic Dermatitis and was Diagnosed With a Zinc Deficiency. Which Milk Contains the Most Zinc?

My Infant Daughter has Atopic Dermatitis and was Diagnosed With a Zinc Deficiency. Which Milk Contains the Most Zinc?

If you are choosing a formula, cow’s milk formula contains more zinc than soy formula. In fact, soy formulas are zinc fortified because soy contains phytates and fiber oligosaccharides that bind zinc in the digestive system. Rice milk, which is not recommended in infants less than 1 year old, also contains phytates that bind and hinder the absorption of zinc. As a child ages and their diet expands, zinc is most commonly ingested through meats (beef, pork, and turkey). Lentils are also a non-animal source of zinc.

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