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Baby Development: Your 2 Month Old

At 2 months old, your baby is turning into Superbaby — at least that might seem how it looks from the outside, now that your baby can hold his or her head up at a 45-degree angle for extended periods of time and may seem to be attempting pushups during tummy time.

This two-month growth spurt is accompanied by leaps forward in every area. Your baby’s ability to differentiate colors is really sharpening now, and you may start to observe him or her gravitating toward bold designs and shapes. The same applies for hearing: his or her hearing is better now, and he or she is learning to tune into certain sounds. You can help this process, and encourage the eventual development of language, by talking to your baby a lot and making noises. Finally, when it comes to coordination, instead of batting at toys and missing, he or she is probably connecting more often.

Your baby’s two-month doctor’s visit

Most babies head into the doctor for an 8-week visit. During this checkup, your baby will receive a round of immunizations, as well as an examination. This is a good time to ask any questions you might have. If you’re worried you might forget, write down your questions ahead of time.

Despite the evidence-based campaign from doctors and health organizations, many parents still approach this checkup with misgivings, thinking, “Is it really safe to give my baby that many shots at once? Are there side effects? Is it safe? Can I slow it down a little bit?”

Typical immunizations given during your child’s 2-month checkup include hepatitis B; rotavirus; diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; haemophilus influenza (Hib); pneumococcal; and polio.

This schedule was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in consultation with pediatricians and experts in children’s health. While there are alternative schedules published by various groups and doctors, this recommended immunization schedule is the only one that’s been extensively tested to give your child the immunity he or she needs to be protected from potentially disfiguring or even deadly diseases.

Additionally, slowing down the schedule can actually increase needle anxiety as your child will have to receive shots over an extended period, instead of all at once. Studies have shown that delaying immunization does, in fact, potentially increase needle anxiety and does not improve the performance of the vaccines.

That said, it’s only natural that parents worry about doing what’s right for their children and not exposing them to any type of harm. If you are worried about immunizations, the best advice is to carefully note your concerns and take them into your doctor’s office. Hopefully, by now you will have established a trusting open relationship with your doctor and you’ll get all the advice you need.

The last word: Vaccines and safety

A lot has come out in the past year regarding the dangers of not vaccinating your child as a large, multi-state measles outbreak occurred from January 2015 onward. The increase in children getting the measles virus outlines the dangers of not vaccinating your child. When discussing vaccinations with your pediatrician, keep in mind that no studies have proven that vaccines are dangerous to your child.

Learn more about your baby\’s 2-month checkup from Bundoo Pediatrician, Dr. Sara Connolly.

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