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Do I Need Prescription Prenatal Vitamins?

Many women are handed a prescription for prenatal vitamins at their first prenatal visit. To be honest, this really isn’t necessary—and that’s a good thing if you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant and haven’t had a visit yet! You should be sure to go with a reputable brand, however, and avoid brands with very extreme doses of certain vitamins/minerals (for example, avoid vitamins that have 5,000 IU or more of vitamin A as this is linked with birth defects).

Is it important to take prenatal vitamins, why not try our Nabta 4 Week Prenatal Course and learn more or get your own at-home physio

The most important ingredients in prenatal vitamins are folic acid, iron, and calcium, so be sure to check for that. You should also avoid additional herbal ingredients, as the majority of these have not been tested in pregnant women.

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