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How to Make Your own Baby Food

How to make your own baby food

There are plenty of healthy options for prepared baby foods, but that shouldn’t discourage you from making your own. Homemade baby food is a healthy and economical alternative to store bought food. In a recent survey, more than 70 percent of women said they have made their own baby food recipes at least once.

What you need

Food grinder. You can use special baby food makers, food grinders, blenders, and food processors, or sometimes a fork will work.

Plastic ice cube trays and airtight containers. Use trays for freezing extra food. After the food is frozen, remove the cubes and store in a container designed for freezing. You can also store food in washed food jars for a few days.

How to make baby food

  • Wash your hands and equipment before you start.
  • Scrub and peel fruits and vegetables. Feel free to experiment, combining healthy foods and trying different blends.
  • Steam or microwave until tender (these methods actually preserve the most nutrients, as opposed to boiling).
  • If preparing meats, make sure they are fully cooked (no pink) and remove any fat, skin or connective tissue. The Crockpot is a good cooking gadget for assuring tender meat.
  • Puree in a food processor with a little liquid (breast milk or formula), or mash if your baby is older and can handle more texture.
  • Store in the refrigerator or freezer, in airtight containers. Then simply heat up when it’s time to serve.


  • 116 No
  • 3September 1, 2005  pp
  • 784 -786  (doi: 10.1542/peds.2005-1497)
    University of Maine
  • Making Your Own Baby Food.
  • More Moms Making Homemade Food For Health, Economic Benefits.
    Mayo Clinic
  • Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?

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