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Week-by-week Pregnancy (Weeks 27-40)

1. Week 27

Welcome to the third trimester (see what happens in the second trimester)! By now you may have gained about 17 pounds. Cramps may be regular and you may start experiencing swelling in your hands and feet. Exercise can help alleviate some of these uncomfortable symptoms.

Your baby weighs roughly 2 lbs. and is about the size of a cauliflower. By now, he or she can recognize the sound of your voice and your partner’s.

Read more about week 27.

2. Week 28

During your monthly visits, your healthcare provider will be checking for gestational diabetes,  preeclampsia, group-B streptococcus infection, and ABO blood type testing.

As your baby’s brain development is increasing, movement is decreasing. Around this time they will start to get into their delivery position, but not much jumping and turning will happen.

Read more about week 28.

3. Week 29

It may feel like you’ve gained 10 pounds in a week! But around this time, you may be up an extra 20-25 pounds, depending on your frame and body type.

Be sure your calcium intake is up to par. If you aren’t getting enough calcium, you may experience a loss of bone mass. In some more extreme cases, women may experience osteoporosis during pregnancy.

Read more about week 29.

4. Week 30

Just 10 weeks to go! At this point you may be experiencing hemorrhoids, heart burn, leg cramps, and more uncomfortable symptoms.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and keep up regular exercise, as both are great pain relievers.

Read more about week 30.

5. Week 31

Have you started to plan for your life post-pregnancy? It may be a good time to start looking for a pediatrician. Many doctors are happy to have visits with parents before the baby arrives.

Ask friends and family if they have any recommendations on pediatricians. Or do what many do nowadays: look online. As long as you find one that is in line with your beliefs, there is no wrong way to find a pediatrician.

Read more about week 31.

6. Week 32

The final two months can no doubt be a trying time in your pregnancy. Anxiety and fears are typical and expected.

Many women fear the pain of labor may be too much to bear, but there are many pain relief options. Other women are embarrassed about giving birth in front of so many people they don’t know! Rest assured: all of the healthcare professionals in the room are there to help you.

Read more about week 32.

7. Week 33

At this point, your healthcare provider might shift the focus to delivery. Anything before week 37 is considered premature, but 12 percent of U.S. babies are born preterm.

Some good news: as long as you are not considered high-risk and you’re up for it, you can still have sex—yes, even this far along in your pregnancy.

Read more about week 33.

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9. Week 34

By this point you’ve probably gained about 30 pounds. Some women around this time experience “lightening”—where the baby drops toward the birth canal and lowers the uterus in the abdomen. This might actually make it easier to breathe, although it can put extra pressure on your bladder.

While most development has slowed, the lungs are still hard at work to finish up their completion.

Read more about week 34.

10. Week 35

This is around the time that babies stop growing in length, although they will continue to gain weight in fat. Both you and baby are probably uncomfortable at this point—he or she doesn’t exactly have a lot of room to move around in there!

This is the hard part of the end. The final stretch is here and it may feel like forever before it’s over. Your healthcare provider may start weekly visits around this time as your pregnancy comes to a close. Be sure to prep your labor and delivery bag now.

Read more about week 35.

11. Week 36

It’s the final countdown! You’re entering your final month of pregnancy. Around this time, you’re up about 27 pounds and chances are you won’t gain much more than that as your pregnancy winds down.

You may start to believe every twinge and ache is a sign of labor. You may even start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which means you’re not in true labor.

Read more about week 36.

12. Week 37

Even now, your baby is not quite considered full-term, although that’s how the rules used to be. You’re nearing about 30 extra pounds. The good news is weight gain will likely stop around now.

You’ll be getting regular check-ups now at your weekly visits to your healthcare provider. Want to know how labor is starting? It’s all about dilation, effacement, and station.

Read more about week 37.

13. Week 38

Are you giving high-fives yet? Your baby is finally considered “full term.” Very few babies are actually born on their due date, so look out! They may arrive sooner than you think.

Also look out for leaky breasts, as you will begin to produce colostrum. This is your baby’s “first milk” and has all the nutrients they need during their first few days of life.

Read more about week 38.

14. Week 39

Pregnancy may very well be just downright uncomfortable at this point. Do you have to pee every 15 minutes? Still achy and have joint pain? The good news is, it’s almost over!

Do you currently have a birth plan? Overall, about one-third of the babies currently born in the United States are delivered via C-section. Make sure you’re prepared in case you need one.

Read more about week 39.

15. Week 40

Feeling calm? Nervous? Anxious? Welcome to week 40!

Just work on the finishing touches before baby is born—is that nursery ready? Do you have enough meals in the freezer? Do you have all of your breastfeeding or formula feeding supplies? Make a list and check it twice!

While the movies may show one thing, be sure to note that when your water breaks, it’s probably not a huge gush of fluid coming out of you.

Read more about week 40.

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