Nabta Editorial Team • November 21, 2024 • 5 min read
The short answer is: no, ovarian cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are definitely not the same thing.
PCOS is a metabolic condition caused by an excess of androgen hormones that may or may not result in polycystic ovaries. Get your blood tested for PCOS in the privacy of your home.
To begin with, having polycystic ovaries (PCO) is not the same thing as being diagnosed with PCOS. Polycystic ovaries contain a number of partially mature follicles. They are a normal variant of a woman’s ovary.
But polycystic ovaries are also not the same thing as ovarian cysts. When a woman has polycystic ovaries, the cysts referred to in “polycystic” (meaning “many cysts”) are known as follicular cysts. Follicular cysts form when a follicle containing an egg does not open and release the egg. The fluid inside the partially mature follicle then forms a cyst on the ovary. A follicular cyst is a type of functional cyst, meaning it serves some purpose within the ovary.
The other type of functional cyst is a corpus luteum. After a follicle releases its egg, the follicle sac typically dissolves and is reabsorbed by the ovary. However, if the sac doesn’t dissolve and the opening of the follicle seals, additional fluid can develop inside the follicle creating a corpus luteum.
Then there are non-functional cysts, or cysts that do not serve a purpose within the ovary. There are four types of non-functional cyst:
Symptoms of ovarian cysts can include:
When cysts rupture or burst, and this can happen to functional and non-functional cysts as both contain fluid, you may experience a sudden and sharp pain in the lower abdomen on one side. Usually there are no further complications, although if a particularly large cyst ruptures it can cause internal bleeding. If you are worried, consult your doctor.
If you are diagnosed with “ovarian cysts”, it is important that you clarify exactly what type of ovarian cysts you have. Remember that only functional cysts – follicular cysts and corpus luteum – are related to PCO or PCOS.
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