Dr. Kate Dudek • November 21, 2024 • 5 min read
As far as the new COVID-19 virus is concerned, at present we have a lot more questions than answers. Hardly surprising given that at the start of the year barely anybody had heard of the virus. Whilst researchers and healthcare professionals work tirelessly to better understand a condition that has caused global chaos and uncertainty, all we can really do is follow current guidelines and make the best decisions for our families and loved ones.
The benefits of breastfeeding cannot be denied. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organisation (WHO) categorically state that exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months gives your child the best possible start.
But what about if you are ill yourself? The predictions suggest that many of us will, over time, be diagnosed with COVID-19 and this will include those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
First the good news, there is currently no clinical evidence that the virus passes into breast milk.
Next, the caveat……this virus is new, studies to date have been preliminary and whilst analyses performed thus far have found no transmission via breast milk, case numbers have been small.
This is probably why guidance from organisations such as WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with regards to breastfeeding following a COVID-19 diagnosis, is only just becoming available.
The main mode of virus spread is via respiratory droplets. These are the particles we release when we cough or exhale. Thus, it would seem that the biggest risk to your breastfed baby will probably come from the close contact and sharing of airborne droplets that comes with breastfeeding and not from the milk they are drinking.
Advice from the WHO states that:
“The numerous benefits of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks of transmission and illness associated with COVID-19”.
Talk to your family and health care professionals about the benefits and risks of breastfeeding.
Be aware that as time passes, our knowledge will develop and, as such, the advice from WHO and CDC may change.
To date, the advice is:
On first appearances, these guidelines appear to directly contradict most of the advice we are being given elsewhere. Social distancing is a concept many of us are now implementing. Adults and older children are strongly recommended to avoid crowded places and maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people. This is considered to be the best approach for minimising transmission of the virus. In contrast, mothers are recommended to continue breastfeeding, even if they are COVID-19 positive, and ensure as much skin-to-skin contact as possible with their infant.
On the basis of the evidence available to date, the reasons for this are twofold:
Breastfeeding can be difficult at the best of times; add a global pandemic to the mix and things really get tough. Remember that nothing needs to come between the bond you have with your child. There is no need for you to completely socially isolate yourself from your baby. In the early days of the virus, some new mothers in China were advised to separate from their babies for 14 days (the predicted incubation period). This was rapidly found to be far more detrimental than beneficial in terms of bonding and initiating feeding.
Babies and young children have, to date, not been severely affected by COVID-19. Of course you do not want your child to fall ill, but maintain good personal hygiene and you will reduce the chances of this happening.
Allow yourself time to recover. Even if your symptoms seem mild, this new virus is a big deal. There is a lot that remains unknown and until it is better understood, erring on the side of caution is wise. Ask family and friends for help.
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