Nabta • November 21, 2024 • 5 min read
At 8 months old of age, the words that best describe your baby are “curious” and “energetic.” Your little one is on the move and exploring everything, from new foods to every nook and cranny of your home. Your little one is also starting to understand the world around him or herself in new and different ways — and may be hilariously imitating it, like “talking” on your phone or pretending to drive along in the car.
Physical development
Your baby’s eighth month and beyond can bring about major physical developments, including crawling, “cruising” on furniture, and (soon!) walking.
In addition to these milestones, your baby is likely also sitting up without any extra help from you. Other physical milestones may include:
Hopefully by now, you’re well on your way to creating a baby-safe environment — but as your baby’s abilities change, it’s always good to double check. Now that your little one is almost crawling, here are some things to look for:
If your baby is already pulling up and cruising, make sure to check these areas especially well, and make the following changes:
Toilets — use a lid-lock to keep your baby from drowning in the toilet water
Any furniture that could easily topple over onto your baby — make sure the furniture is secured to the wall with a tether
Bathtubs — purchase a soft faucet cover to protect your baby’s head from a hard faucet
If your baby is walking early, here are some areas of concern:
Drawers, which can be protected with cabinet drawer latches
Doorknobs, which can be covered with doorknob locks to keep your baby from getting into rooms you do not want him or her in
Fireplaces, which can be covered with a protective cover gate
You’ll also want to place any medications in a locked drawer or high and out of reach of your little one. Taking your own “crawling expedition” and crawling around your home to identify any potential hazards on the floor or higher is a good way to visualize what can be a hazard.
Your baby’s sleep habits
At eight months, your baby likely can sleep through the night. However, emotionally, that doesn’t mean he or she is ready to actually sleep alone all night. Separation anxiety can be an issue at nighttime, and some babies will awaken in the middle of the night, crying for company. Overall, you can expect that your baby will be sleeping about 14 hours a day at this age, including nap times.
Maintaining a regular sleep routine can help your baby (and you) get enough rest at night to be happy and healthy. If your child is having difficulty with separation anxiety, soothe him or her by reassuring your baby. Your baby also may wake up frequently due to teething pain. If your baby wakes up during the middle of the night, you can simply soothe and encourage him or her to go back to sleep instead of feeding or spending prolonged amounts of time with your baby (providing a dirty diaper isn’t the cause for the waking episode).
Curious about sleep coaching? Learn more with Bundoo Sleep Expert, Kim West.
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