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Does Your Child Have a Feeding Disorder?

When a child won’t eat the meal you offer him or her, it can be frustrating and worrisome for any parent. It’s common for young children to be picky eaters from time to time. But how do you know the difference between normal childhood pickiness and a true feeding disorder?

Childhood feeding disorders involve problems gathering food and sucking, chewing, or swallowing it. They occur when a child does not consume enough food or liquid to receive appropriate nutrition, calories, or hydration. In contrast to typical childhood pickiness, a child with a feeding disorder will likely refuse entire food groups or may be willing to eat only a few types of food. This can result in weight loss and eventually malnutrition.

Symptoms of feeding disorders can vary greatly from child to child. Children with feeding disorders may demonstrate the following signs:

Arch their body or demonstrate irritable behavior while feeding

Frequently cough, gag, spit up, or vomit during meals

Spit out food

Take a long time to feed—the amount of time to complete one feeding/meal will often exceed 30 minutes

Act as if they are not hungry

Refuse different food textures (e.g., a child may eat only pureed foods or only accept crunchy textures)

Refuse to open mouth during feeding

Hold food or liquid inside the mouth

Only accept food or liquid from a bottle (this applies to toddlers)

Treatment of childhood feeding disorders can be a complex undertaking, often requiring a team of professionals. Depending on the underlying cause of the feeding problem, a feeding team may consist of a physician, a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a nutritionist / dietician, and a psychologist / developmental specialist. Oftentimes feeding disorders are due to an underlying medical condition, so it is imperative to consult your pediatrician first and foremost.

Once any potential medical issues have been managed, feeding therapy from a trained speech-language pathologist may be implemented if feeding problems persist. In these cases, treatment may focus on improving strength and coordination of the muscles of the mouth and increasing acceptance of different foods and liquids.


  • American Speech, Hearing and Language Association
  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Children.

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