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  • My Baby Spits up the Formula we Started in the Hospital. Does she Have an Allergy and Should we Change Formula?

My Baby Spits up the Formula we Started in the Hospital. Does she Have an Allergy and Should we Change Formula?

The quick answer is probably not. Spitting up is unlikely to be a sign of allergy or intolerance to a particular formula. But you should try to figure out why she is spitting up. Here are some questions to ask yourself before discussing it at your newborn’s next check-up.

Is the spitting forceful?

Is the baby gulping so fast she is overgrazing and then vomiting?

Is there a lot of spit-up? Does it happen with every feeding?

Does she seem uncomfortable with feeding or when she spits up?

Some things your doctor would want to hear about immediately are: 1. Forceful vomiting with every attempted feed; 2. Discomfort with feeding or spitting; and 3. A decrease in the number of wet diapers over 24 hours (less than 5 in a baby that was previously having up to 7-8 diapers daily). If you observe any of these behaviors, make sure to tell your pediatrician right away.

Reviewed by Dr. Sara Connolly, December 2018

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