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Article Baby Childbirth Pregnancy

Is Performing a C-Section Better Than Inducing Labour? [2024]

Is Performing a C-Section Better Than Inducing Labour, when it comes to giving birth, usually the preferred option is...

  • Dr. Kate Dudek
  • July 15, 2024 . 3 min read
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Blog Childbirth Pregnancy

Everything you Need to Know About Hypnobirthing

Jasmine Collin from Love Parenting UAE, Nabta Health's hypnotherapy partner, takes us through her guide to all things...

  • Jasmine Collin
  • May 1, 2024 . min read
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Childbirth Exercise Health Pregnancy

The Benefits of Postnatal Physiotherapy

Postnatal exercise can help you recover after childbirth, make you stronger and improve your mood. Even if you're...

  • Iman Saad
  • March 9, 2023 . 5 min read
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Article Childbirth

Reasons to Consider a Doula

Many women are choosing to have a doula present with them when they give birth. Here are some of the reasons...

  • Yasmin Abuayed
  • January 30, 2023 . 3 min read
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Article Childbirth

Induction of Labour

Labour induction is when the uterus is artificially stimulated to start contracting. The World Health Organisation...

  • Dr. Kate Dudek
  • November 7, 2022 . 3 min read
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Article Childbirth Endometriosis Fertility Infertility Male Infertility Menopause Miscarriage Pcos Periods Pregnancy Trying To Conceive

Top 10 Gynaecologists in Dubai*

*According to Patient Feedback "Who are the best gynaecologists in Dubai? Can anyone recommend an OBGYN?" You...

  • Samantha Dumas
  • October 12, 2022 . min read
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Article Childbirth Pregnancy

I Have Been Diagnosed With Placenta Previa; Will I Need a Caesarean? 

Placenta Previa, or low lying placenta, is a condition where the placenta either partially or completely covers the...

  • Dr. Kate Dudek
  • October 3, 2022 . 4 min read
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Article Childbirth Pregnancy

How do I Time my Contractions to Know When I’m Really in Labor?

If you are pregnant with your first baby, your doctor or midwife has likely told you that contractions can be a sign of...

  • Jennifer Lincoln, MD, IBCLC, Board Certified OB/GYN
  • September 22, 2022 . 2 min read
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Article Childbirth Pregnancy

5 Types of Vaginal Tears From Giving Birth and What They Mean

Giving birth vaginally can result in vaginal tearing or lacerations for many women. This is part of the normal process...

  • Jennifer Lincoln, MD, IBCLC, Board Certified OB/GYN
  • September 19, 2022 . 3 min read
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Article Baby Childbirth Childcare Parenting

5 Diaper Changing Questions Every Parent Asks

Here are 5 diaper (or nappy!) changing questions every parents asks. We know this all seems basic, but if you are...

  • Sara Connolly, MD, FAAP, Board Certified Pediatrician
  • September 15, 2022 . 2 min read
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Article Childbirth Pregnancy

Why is my C-section Incision Red?

Many women who have a C-section notice a little bit of redness around their C-section incision, especially if the skin...

  • Jennifer Lincoln, MD, IBCLC, Board Certified OB/GYN
  • September 14, 2022 . 4 min read
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Article Childbirth Health Pregnancy

9 Natural Induction Methods Examined: What Does the Evidence Say?

Natural Labor induction is when a pregnant woman uses methods and techniques to help bring on labour. There is...

  • Neve Spicer
  • September 12, 2022 . 5 min read
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