What is Sperm? Sperm is the male reproductive cell. It is produced in the testes from germ cells. Upon reaching...
Varicoceles occur when the veins within the scrotum become enlarged. They usually develop around the time of puberty...
Causes of infertility when a couple does not fall pregnant, despite actively trying for at least a year. The challenge...
Antiphospholipid Syndrome is an autoimmune thrombophilia disorder seen more frequently in young women than in men. It...
متلازمة المبيض متعدد الكيسات اضطراب يصيب المبايض مسبباً الأعراض...
يُعتبر فشل الإباضة السبب الأكثر شيوعاً للعقم عند المرأة ويُؤثّر...
Problems with the thyroid gland or the hypothalamus can impact ovulation. One third of women experiencing fertility...
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), also known as premature ovarian failure, occurs when a female’s ovaries stop...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can cause infertility.The association between PCOS and type 2 diabetes suggests PCOS...
الأمراض المنقولة جنسياً STDs، والتي تُسمّى أحياناً بالعدوى...
إنَّ المشكلة الهيكلية الرئيسية التي تُواجهها المرأة التي تعاني...
مرض التهاب الحوض هو عدوى في الجهاز التناسلي العلوي للإناث. يعني...
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