Some women struggle to put on enough weight during pregnancy, particularly those who have a slim build prior to...
Women who gain too much weight during pregnancy have an increased risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. If...
The NHS estimates that the average woman will gain 10 – 12.5 kg whilst pregnant. The average newborn weighs between...
في وقتٍ ما، كانت هناك إرشادات صارمة تدعو إلى أنَّ زيادة الوزن...
Perhaps the most well-known change during pregnancy is distension of the abdomen. Some women relish this change in...
During pregnancy, it is usual for the breasts to change in size and a woman may find her bra size alters several times...
Up to 90% of women will experience striae gravidarum (stretch marks) and hyperpigmentation of the skin during...
حتى الفم يمكن أن يَتأثّر بالحمل، حيث يُعَدّ نزيف اللثة أحد...
Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) is completely normal; it starts just before puberty and lasts through to the...
Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that happens when your body cannot product enough insulin needed to...
A craving is a sudden feeling or urge to consume a specific type of food. Cravings are an unusual phenomenon and...
يُعتَبَر الحمل وقت التغيير، إذ قد تُجري الحامل خلال استعدادها...
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