Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attacks the body’s immune system. It weakens an infected person’s defense...
Known as ‘energy vitamins’, it’s no secret B vitamins are necessary for the healthy functioning of our bodies....
We need metals. They are essential for a healthy body. But chronic exposure to some heavy metals can result in serious...
Your libido is your sex drive and loss of libido can affect many women at certain times in their lives. In fact,...
يعتمد جسمك على المغنيسيوم للحفاظ على صحّة القلب والعظام...
الأمراض المنقولة جنسياً STDs، والتي تُسمّى أحياناً بالعدوى...
There are clear benefits of exercise on diabetes.There are three types of diabetes: type 1 which is chronic and...
تَحتاج أجسامنا إلى الكولسترول. فهو موجود في جميع خلايا جسمنا ولا...
You’ve heard the claim (or perhaps you’ve made the claim) that a person’s weight comes down to having slow...
Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium absorption, bone and muscle health, and...
Hormonal contraceptives are used to prevent pregnancy. When taken correctly, they are a highly effective form of birth...
الشواك الأسود (AN) هو مرضٌ جلدي يتسبّب بظهور بقع جافة وداكنة....
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