Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attacks the body’s immune system. It weakens an infected person’s defense...
Known as ‘energy vitamins’, it’s no secret B vitamins are necessary for the healthy functioning of our bodies....
تَحتاج أجسامنا إلى الكولسترول. فهو موجود في جميع خلايا جسمنا ولا...
Diet is an often-used word and one that seems to carry a lot of stigma, pressure, and weight behind it, excuse the...
المُقدّمة تدوير الكربوهيدرات هو نظام غذائي يتمثّل في تدوير...
المُقدّمة يَتمثّل هذا النظام الغذائي في تناول أطعمة تُساعد في...
المُقدّمة نظام باليو الغذائي المعروف عامةً باسم "باليو دايت" هو...
Popularly known as the ‘Keto’ diet, this is a low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein and high-fat diet that helps burn...
الشواك الأسود (AN) هو مرضٌ جلدي يتسبّب بظهور بقع جافة وداكنة....
Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not respond well to insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone, released by the...
It is relatively common for people who have engaged in weight-loss programs to end up being scammed as these programs...
Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection that is very common, particularly in young children. It is highly contagious...
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